We became very familiar with Boston and its environs .
A day spent exploring the environs of Keld is a day to remember.
A visitor to Keld does not have to be a long-distance walker to enjoy the scenic delights of the environs .
After Jeffery's death in November 1771, Ainslie returned home and shortly thereafter made a map of Jedburgh and its environs .
Framsden mill and its environs will illustrate what I mean about the compactness and self-sufficiency of the rural villages in East Anglia.
He was aware of traffic hazards in the environs of Bristol and stretches of hazardous road in the Gloucestershire countryside.
It is clearly a bourgeois drama and takes place in an upper middle-class home in the environs of London.
Lawrence, whose preference for more temperate seas brings it perilously close to the environs of civilization.
S., a Montgomery, Ala., fishing group dedicated to education and catch-and-release conservation of bass environs .