Meaning of ESTRANGED in English





She'd been to visit her estranged husband at the house the couple used to share at Hardwicke.

Gaynor Chaudhry believes her estranged husband has now brought their child back to Britain but doesn't know where they are.

Their friendship stands the test when Ruth's brutish estranged husband tries to kidnap her baby.

She lit a candle over there as a silent prayer for her estranged husband and went home.

Society darling Lisa, 21, is also being wooed by her estranged husband Marco Pierre White.

She is due to join the other royals, including estranged husband Prince Andrew, at Sandringham's Christmas church service.

She might need him, she might want his help in her dealings with her family or with her estranged husband .


He also packed a mean punch, according to his estranged wife Sheila.

The incident is believed to have taken place at the home of Mr Dearlove's estranged wife Janet.

But this was the actress Diana Rigg - star of the 1960s Avengers - not his estranged wife .

A husband was jailed for attacking a man he found making love to his estranged wife .

Andy, whose estranged wife Fergie has caused much of the dismay, could be the hardest hit.

He accused his estranged wife of being paranoid - but said he felt no ill will toward her.

His death in Brisbane is the third tragedy to hit estranged wife Sue and heartbroken parents Maurice and Marlene.

His estranged wife and two children lived nearby, they're said to be on holiday at the moment.


He is hoping for a reconciliation with his estranged wife Hillary.

In 1975, he wrote a formal letter to his estranged father.

We provide support to people who are estranged from their families.


A husband was jailed for attacking a man he found making love to his estranged wife.

He also packed a mean punch, according to his estranged wife Sheila.

She'd been to visit her estranged husband at the house the couple used to share at Hardwicke.

Strange, then, that Spielberg's grown-up Peter must recover his original, youthful estranged family.

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