Meaning of EVERYWHERE in English





When I first moved to New York 30 years ago reasonable restaurants could be found everywhere in the centre of Manhattan.

But librarians everywhere find that this is not enough.

Rich and poor people are found everywhere .

For example, the constructions can be found everywhere in everyday life.


But it has only been half successful because everyone wants to be able to go everywhere .

Tea trays pervade the corridors, going everywhere .

He's a lovely man, and he and my son go everywhere together.

For the present she would change him into an old beggar so that he could go everywhere unrecognized.

Nero, or Thabor, went everywhere with her.

Teams of New Yugoslav women go everywhere as mediators these days.

Keeper went everywhere with her - I think Emily loved that dog more than any person.

Dave and I, we can go everywhere .


This man has got hold of her, and the family's been looking everywhere .

So she set forth to find the goddess who was looking everywhere for her.

She had looked everywhere else and, although it seemed a long shot, she might as well look in there.

I thought, and looked everywhere , as I had looked everywhere in the little world below.

I've been looking everywhere for you.

I thought, and looked everywhere , as I had looked everywhere in the little world below.

I looked everywhere , but there was nobody, and no other footprint.

We look everywhere but at our values for explanations of the failures to educate children or protect them from abuse.


flattery will get you everywhere/nowhere

here, there, and everywhere


Everywhere I go, I hear people worrying about the future.

Everywhere , even in the Antarctic, there are signs that the Earth is getting warmer.

Doctors in Colorado, like doctors everywhere else, did not have enough of the vaccine.

Poverty affects children everywhere - not just in developing countries, but in Europe and North America as well.

The whole street was flooded - there was water everywhere .

There were beautiful rice fields everywhere in the region.

They searched everywhere for Jen's keys.

We deliver goods the next day in the UK and within a week everywhere else.

Where did you find my keys? I've been looking everywhere for them.

Women everywhere are beginning to assert their rights.

You see bank machines everywhere nowadays.


But there is one issue that confronts the Grammy Award-winning musician almost everywhere he goes -- much to his distress.

He wanted this system, his system, everywhere .

Later, people spend hours reconstructing that brutal transition from the nowhere to the everywhere , when nature can destroy you.

Roy noticed that everywhere they walked people acknowledged Michael.

The latter, which evidently find themselves at home almost everywhere , are appropriately called cosmopolitan species.

The mathematical singularity arises because the set of coordinates imposed everywhere is best suited to regions of small curvature.

The sugar she had spilt everywhere the night before was sticking to her bare feet.

Yet, everywhere I turned, change seemed unfeasible.

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