Meaning of FIBROUS in English





This remedy has an affinity for fibrous tissues , joints and tendons.

The three nails are formed of dark fibrous tissue and are exceedingly sharp.

The fibrous tissues round the infected area impedes access of antituberculous substances.

Damaged or destroyed muscles eventually became replaced with fibrous tissues that shortened and contracted.

In muscle disease degeneration of muscle fibres and replacement with fibrous tissue have been seen.

Abnormal fibrous tissue overgrowth has long been known to affect a number of widely separate organ systems.


Amyloidosis occurs when an abnormal protein becomes fibrous and becomes deposited in the heart muscle.

Description: This aquatic water fern is a rosette plant which has dense, fibrous roots.

Overcooking, however, will result in the dryness and fibrous texture that occur with any bird subjected to too much heat.

The incoming immune adults then graze the lower more fibrous echelons of the herbage which contain the majority of the L3.

The three nails are formed of dark fibrous tissue and are exceedingly sharp.

The unsalted eggplant had a firmer, slightly fibrous texture while the salted eggplant was creamier and slightly pillowy.

This is why the paper-maker is able to make a fibrous pulp for your morning paper from wood.

This means that large fibrous structures form near T m, whereas greater numbers of small spherulites grow at lower temperatures.

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