According to Best and da Silva, the degree of hostility from commercial fishermen towards the boto is unquestionably growing.
This past week, a commercial salmon fisherman from Atascadero did just that.
The commercial fishermen were in search of Blue Fin Tuna.
One local fisherman is drowned when his boat catches fire and burns.
Malachi is one of the local fishermen .
The local fishermen keep their equipment in the arched openings nowadays.
They were local lave-net fisherman , a familiar sight in this part of the county.
The local fishermen blame the invaders.
The local fishermen suffer, and so do the seabirds.
For over two centuries, local fisherman have driven dolphins ashore to be butchered and eaten.
Fifty fishermen are killed instantaneously by the blast.
It is also in these channels that the lave fishermen will stand.
Leven Canal is well known for miles around by fishermen.
No sense trying to sell fish to a fisherman , eh?
Often they are fishing illegally inside an area reserved for artisan fishermen, but the boats cover their identity numbers with mud.
On the river is a long dark wooden boat, a cormorant fisherman .
The fisherman made the request of the flounder, and this wish came true too.
There was Edna and Edna's fisherman brother, Bert.