Meaning of FLATTEN in English





This time around, the computerisation curve has flattened out , so the electronics industry has been hit as hard as any.

But then the show flattened out .

Why did one time and three space dimensions flatten out , while the other dimensions remain tightly curled.

Then it flattens out and turns brown.

My hands needed to stay still, with my wrists twisting up and down after each stroke to flatten out the oars.

Underneath, I had flattened out a nest among the tall grass that stretched along the bank.

He fell, landing heavily on his butt, then flattening out on to his back.

Approach closer, and the wall flattens out -- a little.


Turn dough a few times and form into ball. Flatten slightly into disk and wrap in plastic wrap.

The ventral ones are slightly flattened and very rugose; the dorsal ones appear smooth or finely rugose.

If anything, sharks are already slightly flattened from back to belly.

Place well apart on baking sheets and flatten slightly .

These larger spines are slightly flattened and on proximal joints may have blunt tips.

Ventral arm spins may be slightly flattened and in some the arm spine may be curved.

Roll another ball of icing, flatten slightly , cut in half and position for the feet.


Flatten the cardboard boxes and stack them in the corner.

He fell against me so heavily I thought he was going to flatten me.

Her little car was completely flattened in the accident.

More than 10,000 houses were flattened by the quake.

Place the balls of cookie dough on a baking sheet, and flatten each one with your hand.

Roll the dough into a ball and then flatten it with a rolling pin.

She said that the crash-helmet would flatten her hair-do.

Shut up or I'll flatten you!

The hills flatten out near the coast.

The Packers flattened the Saints 42-6.

The wind and rain had flattened the crops.


I am now about as tall as a flattened cricket.

Lara more or less flattens it.

Nearly every building within twenty-five kilometers of ground zero is flattened.

Sleep had flattened one side of her Afro and a curl had broken free above her forehead.

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