flout a law (= deliberately disobey a law )
Employers who flout the law should be properly punished.
flout a rule (= break it, without trying to hide what you are doing )
The party continues to flout its own rules.
flout convention (= deliberately not do what is accepted or normal )
I was determined to flout convention when it came to the funeral arrangements.
Michael Kalisher, for Birds Eye, said there was no way the company had deliberately flouted the law.
If some one deliberately flouts the law in that manner, they only have themselves to blame for the consequences.
Sometimes we deliberately flout the charge to be relevant: to signal embarrassment or a desire to change the subject.
Michael Kalisher, for Birds Eye, said there was no way the company had deliberately flouted the law .
He's flouted the law and failed to take advise.
Will he condemn those who have flouted the law simply for commercial gain?
It is sometimes said that the offender must have been deliberately and flagrantly flouting the law .
If some one deliberately flouts the law in that manner, they only have themselves to blame for the consequences.
Last year's average fine of £297 is too low, particularly for those who flout the law continuously.
Helmut Kohl, chancellor from 1982-98, has been castigated for flouting the party finance laws he enacted.
Read in studio Police are targetting heavy goods vehicles in a crackdown on drivers who're flouting the law .
Short stay charges and places in premium car parks have risen and drivers caught flouting the rules face a hefty £30 fine.
At that time, church officials said Yakunin flouted a rule barring priests from being involved in politics.
But the Party continues to flout its own rules and the basic principles of parliamentary democracy.
Many bar owners flout the laws on under-age drinking.
Thousands of people are killed on our roads every year, yet a majority of us insist on flouting speed limits.
Too many people regularly flout traffic laws.
Accusations have been made that bus drivers already flout speed limits on the estate.
He especially enjoyed this party because it was flouting tradition -- it was four years after its customary time.
It was because he openly flouted racist conventions of the time, which said he had to stay in his place.
Short stay charges and places in premium car parks have risen and drivers caught flouting the rules face a hefty £30 fine.