Aluminium smelters are only one of a score of industries which now pollute the total environment with fluoride emissions and solid wastes.
And an excess of fluoride must have a systemic effect elsewhere in the body.
First, fluoridation will raise the average steady state or plateau level of ionic fluoride in the blood throughout the total population.
If you need extra fluoride protection, your pharmacist can advise you about fluoride tablets and drops.
Kleinberg says that fluoride , which is in most drinking water and toothpaste, protects against 30 percent of tooth decay.
Look for toothpaste with fluoride which will help to make your teeth more resistant to attack.
The symptoms produced by fluoride poisoning are similar to those produced by herbicides and pesticides in our food, particularly wheat.
These included: Foodstuffs and beverages rich in fluoride , such as sardines and tea.