Meaning of FLYCATCHER in English





The distinctive black and white summer plumage of the male pied flycatcher .

For the male pied flycatcher , bigamy is obviously a successful strategy, but it also requires quite complex behavioural adaptations.

A key adaptation in pied flycatchers , therefore, is the timing of their breeding season.

A delightful small black and white bird appeared: a male pied flycatcher .

On their arrival at the breeding grounds, male pied flycatchers find a suitable nesting site.

She had already been measured and weighed, and found smaller and lighter than the pied or spotted flycatchers .


A delightful small black and white bird appeared: a male pied flycatcher .

A key adaptation in pied flycatchers, therefore, is the timing of their breeding season.

For the male pied flycatcher , bigamy is obviously a successful strategy, but it also requires quite complex behavioural adaptations.

On their arrival at the breeding grounds, male pied flycatchers find a suitable nesting site.

The flycatcher stands up more stiffly.

The distinctive black and white summer plumage of the male pied flycatcher .

They also made fans of the tail feathers of the scissor-tail flycatcher , which they wore at the shoulder like epaulets.

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