Meaning of FORESEE in English





Even so, few foresaw how far and how fast the autonomy system would develop.



Entrepreneurs are mistakenly assumed to have the ability to foresee change .

Block funding comes from social services, and Mrs Allen does not foresee any change after April.


The people who did that were probably well intentioned and did not foresee the consequences .

Crazy Horse foresaw the consequence of his surrender.


That alone made him foresee difficulties .

They will need to foresee some of the difficulties the culture will encounter.

Mr Chin had foreseen this difficulty and made sure that no child had majority control of any of the family companies.


But then we couldn't have foreseen your future , or mine.

Some experts foresee a future in which nobody would buy a spreadsheet program or word processor.

It also increasingly removes one from the contemporary marketplace, and makes it even more difficult to foresee the future .

For her own part, she was filled with neither hope nor dread, rather a fatalistic inability to foresee the future .

And general manager, Bob Hunt, foresees a great future , particularly through the development of higher added-value and high-technology products.

However, the intention was also to try and foresee some of the future developments.


We have just occupied Vienna; a far-sighted man could have foreseen the possibility some considerable time ago.

Pericles, having perhaps foreseen the possibility , had warned his friend to make the plates easily detachable.

There was no need to show that she foresaw the possibility of some harm.


It is often amazing how the most insignificant contributor to a project can foresee the subtlest problem and devise a solution.

Even though he could foresee the problem then, we can see it equally well now.

He insists that he can foresee problems arising in the new century.

Like her gynaecologist, he could foresee no problems .

It is possible to foresee other evidential problems .

Incidentally, I foresee a major problem looming next season.


Businesses are alarmed at the costs they foresee in complying with the new rules.

No one foresaw the Great Depression of the thirties.

Scientists foresee humans living on Mars within the next 200 years.

Ten years ago she could not have foreseen that her marriage would end in divorce.


As the General had so clearly foreseen, there was no way out.

Everything she had foreseen had come true.

No wonder the men failed to foresee what a forceful leader she would be.

None had foreseen the assumption of absolute power by one of their own number.

The only serious potential obstacle to the plan foreseen at the time was litigation by employer and union groups.

Yet it is hard to see what violence the police foresaw as direct and immediate.

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