Meaning of FREEHOLDER in English



Haddenham returned forty-five landholders in 1522, of whom thirty-five were resident, yet the survey of 1555 lists only eleven freeholders.

He was the fifth Richard Gough in succession to live as a small freeholder and yeoman farmer at Newton.

On the other hand, some of the freeholders seeking patronage demurred at the price expected.

Room was also found in one act for men of £5 perannum plus yeomen, or servants, who were 40s. freeholders.

Some freeholders were just as keen as was the average burgh councillor to retain close ties with the government ministers.

The freeholder may of course sell the land or property subject to the leaseholder's interest being maintained.

The freeholder refused to put in writing any guarantee, such as that no comprehensive redevelopment of the site was planned.

The rule is not confined to the case of adjacent freeholders.

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