Meaning of FRESHMAN in English





Bill Clinton is no longer irrelevant to the House Republican freshmen .

At least one House Republican freshman maintains a hoary political tradition by staging town meetings with his constituents.

John Shadegg, an Arizona Republican freshman .

Matt Salmon, all Republican freshmen .


He was backed up by true freshman Marcus Fields, who gained 90 yards on 19 carries.



The schools solidify their freshman classes with early picks of top talent.

Tara is one of the finest coaches in the country, and she has just recruited one of her best freshman classes .

Absent, too, is the zealous activism of a huge freshman class that entered Washington two years ago brimming with enthusiasm.

Educators also say the size of freshman classes makes it unlikely for professors to know which students most need the new aid.

The Howard students are part of a freshman class of 1, 290 students, 243 more than last year.


More college freshmen are stressed about money, their grades and getting ahead.

I first witnessed the phenomenon at a huge pentecostal rally I attended as a college freshman .

Dear Help Wanted: I am a college freshman .


She would start her City College career in the freshman composition course.

But freshman composition , like the writing test, assumed a level of competency that few of these students had attained.

Did that mean that freshman composition , too, was taking an unfair sounding of their abilities?

But would they be ready for a World Humanities class, or even freshman composition , in four months?


Gingrich debuts as a House freshman trying right off to prevent the seating of a 24-year Democratic member.


The couple recently attended a campaign event for freshman Rep .

In addition, Johnson was criticized recently for her handling in a separate case involving freshman Rep .

When asked how his constituents were dealing with the crisis, freshman Rep .

Tuesday evening after talking with fellow freshman Rep .

Only one Democrat on the committee, freshman Rep .


After his freshman year of high school, Sean and his family moved to another city.

During our freshman year , Rebecca and I seal our friendship over meals at the campus dining hall.

Even freshman year , when I felt like an outsider, it gave me a place to belong.

One night during the summer after my freshman year , the phone rang while I was reading.

Botsford, 15, just completed her freshman year in high school.

My freshman year , the presentation was not good.

This fall has been difficult for the two of them, room-mates since their freshman year , best friends and confidantes.

After my poor freshman year , my grades started their ascent.


Chris remembers his freshman year at UCLA as if it were yesterday.

We were only freshmen, so the older kids liked to pick on us.


After the restart it took Red Alligator longer to break clear of the freshmen.

Cal freshman center Michael Stewart answers to Yogi.

He was a senior at the University of Minnesota, she was a freshman .

It held freshmen out of competition to give them an extra year to grow and mature.

Nieboer-Erickson also speaks to all freshman athletes at annual orientation sessions.

The couple recently attended a campaign event for freshman Rep.

When asked how his constituents were dealing with the crisis, freshman Rep.

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