Meaning of FULFILMENT in English





But the central principles for us are individual liberty and personal fulfilment .

In many ways, however, the focus on the family as the source of personal fulfilment is crazy.

Do not ask the elderly about personal fulfilment in the modern privatised family: they feel betrayed.

Its successful pursuit will usually lead to a sense of personal fulfilment or pride.

The Devil is not powerful enough to prevent genuine spiritual and personal fulfilment in the church.

There was greater contentment there than within the average hostel or foster home and most certainly a greater sense of personal fulfilment .

Ian Beale has found personal fulfilment from business failure and poverty, like you do.



Dorothy Wordsworth found fulfilment in ways that elude precise analysis.

Thus the theocratic ideal of Godefroy de Bouillon would have found fulfilment .

They must also want to please each other and help each other to find fulfilment , as well as looking for personal satisfaction.

Others find fulfilment in the loving support of their husbands.

Ian Beale has found personal fulfilment from business failure and poverty, like you do.

Rising early, Miss Lodsworth prayed that it would continue fine and her guides would find enjoyment as well as fulfilment in their Jamboree.


The difference was that, whereas I sought fulfilment with Jean-Claude, he sought only to renew his desire with me.


find comfort/pleasure/fulfilment etc in sth

Ana seemed to find pleasure in simply listening, though.

But we did find comfort in knowing the food was there.

Dorothy Wordsworth found fulfilment in ways that elude precise analysis.

He glanced at Rock Hardy, finding comfort in the familiar face. 5.03 already!

I could only hope to be happy, and find comfort in the hope, as people do, wherever they are.

They learned to tolerate loneliness, and find comfort in people, fantasies or activities outside the family.

They tried to find comfort in knowing they had done their best.


Seeing my work come to fruition gives me a strong sense of fulfilment .

Thomas sought fulfilment in the religious life.


Eva talks rather of finding fulfilment elsewhere.

For an artist to travel is to set out on a visual adventure which may or may not end in fulfilment .

Hours later she woke to the same sensation of calm fulfilment .

It is looking in the wrong direction for its fulfilment .

The importance for Matthew is the fulfilment of the Scriptures.

There are also fantasies where there is no serious desire for fulfilment , as in the manner of daydreams.

Those living in rural areas are likely to meet barriers to the fulfilment of their aspirations.

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