Meaning of GANGLION in English





In plexuses with amyloid deposits, some residual ganglion cells showed degenerative changes.

Messages from thousands of photoreceptors are funneled into each ganglion cell , except some cancel out the actions of others.

Figure 8 illustrates one of these ganglion cells .

From this function, the number of ganglion cells found in any specified patch of the retina may be evaluated numerically.

Figure 8 Selectivity for orientation is also found in retinal ganglion cells .

These are projected on to the surface of the ganglion cell density function in the upper part of the figure.

We can now begin to make some sense of the differences between the three classes of ganglion cells .

The centre shows a map of the receptive field of a particular ganglion cell obtained using a stationary spot.


Figure 8 illustrates one of these ganglion cells.

From this function, the number of ganglion cells found in any specified patch of the retina may be evaluated numerically.

In plexuses with amyloid deposits, some residual ganglion cells showed degenerative changes.

Messages from thousands of photoreceptors are funneled into each ganglion cell, except some cancel out the actions of others.

Plus what had now turned out to be a ganglion .

These are projected on to the surface of the ganglion cell density function in the upper part of the figure.

Typically, a small triangular frontal ganglion lies above the oesophagus, a short distance in front of the brain.

We can now begin to make some sense of the differences between the three classes of ganglion cells.

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