Meaning of GEOPHYSICS in English



Dynamo theory had developed as a relatively isolated discipline within geophysics , and not just because it thrived in Great Britain.

Each of these universities has produced published research in geography, geology, palaeontology, and geophysics .

Engineering geophysics also supports hydrogeological studies, landfill and pollution assessments, mineral exploration and local geological studies.

He emphasises the importance of the historical value of older literature in palaeontology, compared to the pattern shown in geophysics .

I receive a short course in geophysics , punctuated by the tectonic lessons of the region through which we are driving.

In geophysics we have a little bit of a problem.

In 1963 Vine had just graduated in geophysics from Cambridge.

The theory of plate tectonics explains these phenomena and is commonly regarded as one of the cornerstones of modern geophysics .

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