If he stopped, the ghostly figure did the same.
Another surprise for passers-by at the entrance to High Wood may be the ghostly figure of a woman!
The Doctor and his party watched warily as the three ghostly figures beckoned with one digit of their three fingered hands.
A ghostly figure appeared, dressed in flowing robes of blue and white.
This ghostly figure appears as a scarecrow-thin, stooped human male in late middle age, which mutters and cackles to himself.
A ghostly figure hovered at the end of the tunnel.
A ghostly figure hovered at the top of the stairs.
a ghostly voice
In the last scene of the play, a ghostly female figure shimmers into the room, her arms laden with books.
She felt the touch of a ghostly hand on her shoulder.
Another surprise for passers-by at the entrance to High Wood may be the ghostly figure of a woman!
Around it are wide wastes, wan and cold, and meadows of asphodel, presumably strange, pallid, ghostly flowers.
Humankind may one day join the ghostly parade of defunct species, but the jury on that is still out.
Others who visited the line subsequently to share the experience were not favoured to witness the sound of the ghostly train.
The bus roared through Indiana cornfields that night; the moon illuminated the ghostly gathered husks; it was almost Halloween.
This magazine published the story of the Darlington railway ghost as one of the most thrilling of a series of ghostly anecdotes.