They were concerned that the object might have been a hang glider who'd got into difficulty.
Each hang glider takes one set of sails.
Day 8 Received an order for 20 hang gliders at £400 each together with a cheque for £8,000.
At this stage it was possible to do some preliminary calculations relating to the manufacture of each hang glider .
Day 15 Received an order for another 200 hang gliders at a price of £250 each.
A hang glider , piloted by a gorilla playing a saxophone, made several sweeps round the Houses of Parliament.
Gradual changes of attitude make it easier for the glider pilot to follow in position behind the tow plane.
But it is the glider pilot who literally has the life of the tow pilot in his hands.
The glider pilot was dazzled for a moment and lost sight of the tug.
This gives the glider pilot more time to find out why his glider is semi-stalled and is sinking like a brick.
The mature glider pilot would never hesitate to make a fool of himself in the interests of safety.
Read in studio A glider pilot has suffered a broken leg in a crash landing at an R-A-F base.
Read in studio A glider pilot is trying to popularise a new aerial sport by taking people for free rides.
Stop flying before it becomes too windy to move or fly the glider .
Anyone sitting in a glider must always be properly strapped in.
As a result, most of the new breed of gliders are more pleasant and safer to fly.
Do not land behind or close to another glider or obstruction.
If a glider was blown over with some one sitting inside it unstrapped, that person could be killed.
If this happens, it is important to move the stick forwards sufficiently to ensure that the glider does not re-stall.
It was a terrible idea, gliders....
Stop flying before it becomes too windy to move or fly the glider .
The airbrakes can then be reduced once it is clear that the glider will not overshoot with full airbrake.