Meaning of GLYCERINE in English



Be careful not to use too much glycerine or the colour will become too moist and sticky.

In addition, particularly if you are to have surgery, bring some glycerine suppositories.

Lascaux recommend that a tiny percentage of glycerine keeps the colour slightly moist.

Leaves have a citrus fragrance and glycerine beautifully, turning the colour of chamois leather.

Pure & Simple's contains glycerine and it's ideal for sensitive skin, too.

Stand stems at least 2in deep in a solution of 1 part glycerine dissolved in 2 parts boiling water.

The dew-drop on a bullock's pizzle, thick glycerine , a limpid gum, swaying on the great dead thistle.

The rain was now pelting down, covering the windows with a coat of water as thick and opaque as glycerine .

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