Meaning of GUITARIST in English





To enter, simply answer this question: What is the name of Extreme's heart-throb lead guitarist ?

The band includes lead guitarist Chris Floyd, a former Leesburg city commissioner.

Then, as Mike became more and more the lead guitarist , I played more and more bass.



Other originals on board include guitarist James Young and bassist Chuck Panozzo.

The band includes lead guitarist Chris Floyd, a former Leesburg city commissioner.


The guitarist stopped playing , and all conversation died as Berger stood just inside the door, death come to visit them.

The fair man said thank you and he and the guitarist began to play Tchaikovsky.

Answer - they are all influential guitarists who play Fender Strats.

Then, as Mike became more and more the lead guitarist , I played more and more bass.

Before becoming a guitarist he played clarinet and uses advanced technology to approximate the breathy sound of a wind instrument.


lead singer/guitarist etc

But it is difficult to take him seriously because he looks like he should be the lead singer for Oasis.

He's our lead singer, or rather I should say he was.

She was lead singer in the Black and White Minstrel Show during the 70s.

The lead singer had a Mohican haircut and lots of chains and zips.

The lead singer, have you seen his hair?

The band includes lead guitarist Chris Floyd, a former Leesburg city commissioner.

The floppy fringes and pouting lips of the respective lead singers are another story entirely.


Angels, she says, came down to carry the young blues guitarist to heaven.

Featuring his regular young guitarist partner Howard Alden with lack Lesberg on bass; superbly musical chamber jazz.

In August 1997, the band announced the addition of guitarist Charlotte Hatherley.

Of all the guitarists I've ever heard, he's easily my favourite.

Then Charlie was smearing blood over his face and wiping it over the bass guitarist .

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