Meaning of HAMLET in English





Burton, which has the large medieval church, is a very small hamlet .

It was de-signed to give us the courage, as temporary civil rights workers, to penetrate the small hamlets farther south.

After a mile, the road passes through a small hamlet .

This gets us to Santa Catarina, a small inland hamlet .

There used to be two small hamlets just outside but part of the village, known as Mill Cottages and Pry Cottages.

Over eighty-five percent of these are scattered throughout the country in small villages and hamlets .

Everyone who was living in a small hamlet on the lake's edge fled into the forest at news of their approach.

Alongside the villages with their surrounding lands there were small hamlets and isolated farmsteads.


Seven farms had been enclosed in 1512 in a move that must effectively have crippled this tiny hamlet .

She plays Beth, a transplanted Los Angeles teen trying to adjust to her new life in a tiny Washington state hamlet .

Our story really begins in 1575, on a wet and blustery night in the tiny hamlet of Shefford Woodlands.


Both lived in Coahoma, a hamlet of about 1, 200 residents 10 miles to the east of Big Spring.

He told those responsible their hamlet would burn if it happened again.

His repressions were too blatant, his strategic hamlet and land-reform programs had too obviously failed.

Its total population in the mid-nineteenth century was probably in excess of many medieval hamlets or even small villages.

The western hamlet has survived with the present parish church of St Nicholas.

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