Meaning of HANDBAG in English





In the office if you have to leave your handbag , lock it in a drawer when you go out.

Jane and Gabrielle had been told to leave their handbags outside, and Zack had been frisked.

She had left her handbag on the chair.

I slipped my shoes on and left my handbag by the door, heading for the stairs.


He opened her handbag , but the address book revealed nothing.

She opened her handbag and removed a compact.

She opened her handbag and rubbed the St Christopher.

While the man stood passively, she opened her handbag , taking out a purse, searching through it.


She stood up and squeezed past Ryker, picking up her handbag in the process.

She picked up her handbag , and he rose from behind his desk to take a relieved and ceremonious farewell.

The young woman had picked up her handbag , but hadn't moved apart from that.


I took off my rings and jewellery and put them in my handbag then lowered myself over the cliff edge.

She had a shopping list in her hand which she put into her handbag when she saw Alice.

Donna rubbed her eyes and got to her feet, picking up the piece of paper and putting it in her handbag .

The Assistant Secretary put a large floppy handbag on the table and took out a small handkerchief.

She opened the car door, put her handbag on the passenger seat and got in.

My girlfriend had put her handbag between her feet under her chair so that no one could pinch it.


They also stole her watch, handbag and camera.


They took her handbag and she was very shaken.

The attackers took only her handbag .

Especially as apparently you'd gone out in a hurry and not taken a handbag .


Grabbed her handbag back, gave me the gargoyle stare, went inside.

She drove three kicks into his shins and smashed her handbag into the side of his head.

She reached down for her handbag on the floor.

She took the two gifts from her handbag and set them on the table.

So Auntie, her umbrella in one hand and her handbag in the other, set out.

The handbag was red and gold, with a dainty gold-link chain.

The diary she dropped back into her handbag .

They took her handbag and she was very shaken.

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