Meaning of HANDGUN in English





A man carrying a handgun ordered staff to fill a carrier bag with cash before escaping on foot.

In most states, recently passed laws now allow citizens to carry concealed handguns .

Before his arrest in the days after the murders, Simpson carried a handgun for protection.

Earlier this year, President Clinton ordered the issuance of safety locks to all federal law enforcement officials who carry handguns .

Permits to carry concealed handguns are hard to come by, issued only at the discretion of local law enforcement officials.


But the police are already complaining about their poor pay and the fact that they are armed only with handguns.

But this time, the neighbor happened to mention his handgun .

Cigarettes, like handguns, are legal for adults to sell and possess.

He is thought to be armed with a handgun .

I would have given a good deal to have the stalwart Lord Byron by me, armed with the handgun .

Mr Leckey said three weapons, two assault rifles and a handgun , had been recovered from the scene.

Police said Cosby was shot once with a handgun .

Two blacks and two whites were arrested during the march and four handguns and a shotgun were reportedly taken by the police.

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