But Joan was harking back to that awful day.
Indeed, the latest microbrew trend actually harks back to ancient times, when brewers grabbed whatever flavorings were nearby.
The Justice Model asserted two central principles, both of which harked back to the classicism of Beccaria.
Something in that statement harked back to what that other astrologer had said.
Another famous hillside figure harks back to the days when, according to legends, giants walked the land.
But once these hurdles are overcome, women soon stop harking back to their village background and comparing everything with it.
All four Gospels hark back to a period long before their own composition - perhaps as long as sixty or seventy years.
But Joan was harking back to that awful day.
But once these hurdles are overcome, women soon stop harking back to their village background and comparing everything with it.
His teachings harked back to what he regarded as the real Socrates, not the one whom Plato had immortalized.
Indeed, the latest microbrew trend actually harks back to ancient times, when brewers grabbed whatever flavorings were nearby.
Something in that statement harked back to what that other astrologer had said.