Meaning of HEADWAY in English





His plan to change the constitution to give more power to the president has made little headway .

Finally, he grants Bennett access to his old papers, but Bennett can make little headway with them.

But after several months of deliberation, the committee had made little headway .



This option largely failed to make headway for many of the basic theoretical reasons that were outlined in Chapter 2.

Finally, he grants Bennett access to his old papers, but Bennett can make little headway with them.

But with ruler Mercury in direct motion from the 1st, you can make headway .

Just hours before he died, he had made important headway in that struggle.

We turned into Dwyer Street and I still hadn't made any headway .

Gordon made no more headway with black studies students than he did with faculty.

Like his predecessors he failed to make any headway .

Those countries that have made most headway in their reforming efforts are simply the precursors of the others.


The ship had trouble making headway because of the storms.


Finally, he grants Bennett access to his old papers, but Bennett can make little headway with them.

Given newspapers to read, he could make no headway because everything, every headline, opened out to widening associations.

However, on this conclusion, Keynes made no headway .

I note that you've made some headway towards solving things on the technical front.

In three sensitive areas-tax administration, education and pensions-Jospin found it impossible to make headway .

They could make no headway against such a cyclone, and ran back down the slope to the cover of the woods.

This option largely failed to make headway for many of the basic theoretical reasons that were outlined in Chapter 2.

We turned into Dwyer Street and I still hadn't made any headway .

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