Meaning of HEPATITIS in English





Histological examination before treatment showed that all the patients had chronic active hepatitis with cirrhosis.

Long-term consequences include chronic active hepatitis , cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Other possible explanations are that interferon alfa is directly toxic to hepatocytes and that it induces autoimmune chronic active hepatitis .

One patient with chronic active hepatitis was also found to have the type 1 pattern of staining.

Membranous expression of pre-S1 and pre-S2 correlated significantly with active hepatitis B virus replication.


Three cases of severe acute hepatitis have been reported in association with piroxicam.

Only about 30/-40% of patients with hepatitis B develop clinically apparent acute hepatitis.

Although changes in liver function tests are very rare, three cases of severe acute hepatitis secondary to piroxicam have been reported.

Over half the patients who acquire acute hepatitis C virus infection develop chronic hepatitis.

The reported incidence of acute hepatitis B virus in the general population increased by 37 percent from 1979 to 1989.

One had severe acute alcoholic hepatitis and had continued to drink despite medical advice to the contrary.

Severe acute hepatitis immediately after intravenous amiodarone has been reported four times.


All 44 patients with chronic type B hepatitis had pre-S1 and pre-S2 display in the liver.

It has been repeatedly reported that smooth muscle antibodies of autoimmune chronic hepatitis are directed to cell actin.

Both reactivities are in fact uncommon in autoimmune chronic hepatitis .

We report on patients with chronic viral hepatitis who died of hepatic decompensation during or shortly after interferon alfa treatment.

Patients with chronic persistent hepatitis may, however, survive for years without histological progression.

These centres had treated 2490 patients with chronic viral hepatitis with interferon alfa.

Histological examination before treatment showed that all the patients had chronic active hepatitis with cirrhosis.

Long-term consequences include chronic active hepatitis , cirrhosis and liver cancer.


We report on patients with chronic viral hepatitis who died of hepatic decompensation during or shortly after interferon alfa treatment.

Human bathers, too, risk viral hepatitis , skin reactions and oral thrush.

These centres had treated 2490 patients with chronic viral hepatitis with interferon alfa.

Some organisations knew about the different types of viral hepatitis and that there is a long incubation period.

Similarly, there are mild disturbances only of acute phase reactants in chronic viral hepatitis .

The aetiology of acute liver failure was viral hepatitis in all but one patients.

These conditions include pulmonary tuberculosis, viral hepatitis , streptococcal septicaemia and various other diseases.



Currently, the group has begun research into new therapeutic approaches for hepatitis C , lymphoma and leukemia.


Concurrently hepatitis delta virus superinfection did not appear to modulate the synthesis and expression of pre-S peptides in the liver.



Most HIV-positive intravenous drug users are also infected by hepatitis C virus.

Semen infected with hepatitis or syphilis can be donated, but only if a woman agrees to accept it.

Approximately one out of ten persons infected with hepatitis B becomes a chronic carrier, able to infect others for decades.


According to various surveys, they showed a rate of infectious hepatitis eight to twenty-five times higher than heterosexual males.

Although most chronically infected patients appear to have clinically apparent hepatitis , a subclinical chronic carrier state also exists.

Nineteen eighty-two was the year Jasper had hepatitis .

Prior to the hepatitis B outbreak, most public health officials had ignored the danger signs in gay male epidemiology.

Some organisations knew about the different types of viral hepatitis and that there is a long incubation period.

The hepatitis B antigen is found in blood, saliva, urine, semen, vaginal secretions and possibly other body fluids.

There is no specific treatment for this disease and complete recovery from any form of hepatitis may take four months or longer.

This rules out the possibility that autoantibodies are merely a consequence of hepatitis C virus infection.

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