Meaning of HIGH-RISE in English



a high-rise block (= very high )

The area is full of monstrous concrete high-rise blocks.

a high-rise building (= very tall with many floors )

a New York high-rise building

high-rise flats (= flats in a very tall building )

Many high-rise flats were built in the 1970s.




Other high-rise blocks are still being pulled down.

The roads were busy, the buildings were grey and drab; there were tall, high-rise blocks .

Is not it now time that the Minister acted to solve the problems of high-rise blocks ?

An apartment in a high-rise block might only cost S$100,000 but a detached bungalow is likely to be S$1.5 to S$2m.

Over 1,000 high-rise blocks of flats were built in London in the Sixties and Seventies over 200 in Birmingham.


A white mist obscured the view, gave the high-rise buildings a ghostly look.

Troops occupy the top floors of several high-rise buildings in both north and west Belfast.

Residents can do nothing with high-rise buildings once they are completed.

Significantly, more recent housing in the same development has been constructed without either high-rise building or segregated traffic arrangements.

Too much traffic clogging the streets, too many high-rise buildings , too little greenery.


In particular, many local authorities has acquired high-rise flats which were hard to let.

Our high-rise flats were based on Scandinavian flats, but they build them to a much higher standard.

Tenants moved into those high-rise flats with joy.

The survey, surprisingly, shows that high-rise flats do better than average, with the main offenders being terraced houses.

An era will end in Glasgow this morning as high-rise flats in the troubled Gorbals area are blown to the ground.


High-rise apartment buildings now stood where his childhood home had been.


After going through two bankruptcies already, my international high-rise business was running out of funds.

But the high-rise epic eclipses another drama.

But viewers in Britain are unlikely to get a glimpse of Linda's high-rise exploits.

He squeezed in time at the typewriter between the high-rise scaffolds and his duties as husband and father of two sons.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton My right hon. Friend takes the question of security in high-rise housing very seriously.

Oakland launched such a law just months before the high-rise massacre.

Residents can do nothing with high-rise buildings once they are completed.

The most glaring example was the Sandburg Village high-rise development, about twelve blocks north of the Loop.

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