I. adjective
According to the report, 45 percent of Hispanic firms were concentrated in the service industry.
During May 6 Dixon met with leaders of the Hispanic community and acknowledged many of their grievances.
Every one of the southern states, except West Virginia, has experienced a phenomenal flood of Hispanic newcomers.
Its 11,000 schoolchildren are 78% white, 13% Hispanic and 1% black.
They are all being looted. Hispanic men, laughing, carry out cases of Budweiser.
II. noun
Despite the wry observations about the differences between working-class Hispanics and upper-class whites, this is not a story about culture clashes.
He added that Hispanics are now beginning to enter fields like pharmaceuticals and aerospace.
It would impact, however, on some critical areas that could bring great harm to Hispanics.
The 27 million Hispanics make up 10 percent of the populace.
The counter-demonstrators, a self-avowed violent anti-Klan group, consisted of young blacks and Hispanics from the inner city.
To young Hispanics, Selena was more than a successful singer.
We want to show that Hispanics in the United States have made a crucial contribution to this country from the beginning.