Meaning of HOLLY in English





The last one flipped Agnes into a holly bush .

Next step you would think is to go to the garden centre and look for holly bushes with boy and girl names?

The holly bush went to give the cameras a clearer view.

Even in winter there were blood red berries on the holly bushes .


A holly tree grew from the place where Scathach had lain.

He did not care to know how many female holly trees a single male could bring to berry.

The thin dead twigs from a holly tree will start a fire even if gathered wet and then merely shaken.

Unusual numbers of dead holly trees with senescent branches or main trunks; 2.

It passed in a flash of man-made, unnatural colour, glittering here and there and brighter than a winter holly tree .

The holly tree shrank, then burst out again, swelling into the shape of a woman.

And what would happen to a rabbit who left the shelter of the holly tree and ran down the path?


A holly tree grew from the place where Scathach had lain.

All the same, she put a little more plastic holly in the shop-window.

And some species of lily and holly and camellia.

Don't use holly or yew, they're poisonous.

For holly ribbon, thinly roll out some of the burgundy icing and cut out small holly leaf shapes.

For a start, try leaves of lime, poplar, sycamore, holly , dandelion and groundsel.

She saw Gabriel pinning holly to one of the black beams in her house.

The forests are mostly mixes of loblolly pine and sweet gum, with a holly and huckleberry understory.

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