Meaning of HOUSEMASTER in English



Another housemaster in describing what he would ideally like to do also set it in the context of his sense of powerlessness.

Except for the head of the house, who was chosen by the housemaster , the Library elected its own members.

His housemaster Lionel Weston is an former Englad scrum-half.

His housemaster wrote to Lord Baldwin asking for help, which led to an extra £150 perannum towards Georg's keep.

Hubert, who was the boy's housemaster , summoned a mechanic and invited Barbara to lunch.

I accepted this as natural; it never occurred to me at the time that a housemaster could also be a friend.

My housemaster was A. M. McNeile.

The fight was broken up by the housemaster , whose ears had been open in anticipation for some days.

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