do the housework (= jobs in your home such as cleaning, washing clothes etc )
I’ve been doing the housework all day.
Our engineers also remain responsible for doing, or organising others to do, housework tasks .
The one housework task the nanny has removed completely, the vacuuming, used to be her husband's.
Of the six basic housework tasks cooking is, according to these women, potentially the most enjoyable activity.
As a female is she prepared to do all the housework because she is biologically determined to do so?
Until now all that women were taught to do , from housework to carpet weaving, was devalued and poorly paid.
At night, the lonesome limbs would be programmed to creep around and do housework while everyone is asleep.
Unusually for the period he suited the action to the word and helped his wife to do the housework .
In addition, she did all the housework , her graduate studies, and held down two part-time jobs.
From what she had told me, I knew that she also did their housework for additional money.
Marjorie did the housework , Margarett paid the bills.
She says she does not like housework but she can manage some tasks.
Yes, I do like housework .
No woman likes housework , but it's got to be done.
Housework takes up most of my time in the evenings.
I've got to catch up on the housework this weekend.
I hate doing housework so I pay someone to do it for me.
None of her kids ever help with the housework .
We encourage our kids to help with the housework .
Well, I did all my housework this morning, though you wouldn't think it to look at the place now.
After Mass they would begin their assigned housework duties, cooking, washing or administration.
And he knew I was a soft touch, that I did most of the housework so he could be free.
But because work is not a component of the feminine stereotype housework lacks any conceptualization in sociology as work.
She cooks the teas and does the housework and everything.
She knew she had visited heavy housework upon herself because of her attitude.
Thus some feminists have argued that there should be wages for housework .
Unfortunately, both parents often work today, and after work they have housework , cleaning, laundry to do.