Meaning of HUMMOCK in English



I've never seen such terrible country; it was a constant stumble over grassy hummocks and peat-bogs.

Squeezed by the pressure of the water, the ice had formed into towering hummocks in the center of the river.

The hummocks denied any sure footing.

The weeds on the path, crisp with frost, were slippery white hummocks in the darkness leading to the door.

The wide belt of dune-land with its hummocks and scrubby grass growing out of the sand was deserted at that hour.

These hummocks vary in size from coins to basketballs.

Time after time I stumbled over some hummock of tough grass, and once I went into a creek up to my shoulders.

Where the ground is slightly drier, in the coniferous woods, there are smooth rounded hummocks of a pale turquoise moss.

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