Many other notable botanical illustrators, including Lillian Snelling, are represented in the collections of botanical art and illustration .
Northern Ireland provides a particularly clear illustration of the sometimes hidden problems involved in majoritarian thinking about democracy.
The clearest illustrations of the relative nature of crime can be seen by comparing distinct and different cultures.
The clear , lively illustrations in full colour add to children's motivation.
This handy book has step-by-step instructions and clear illustrations .
Differential association is a good illustration of these two contradictory tendencies.
The classic traveling-salesman problem is a good illustration of nodes and connections issues.
There are many more good illustrations coming in to the Library than there are analytical entries or other index terms.
A good illustration is a piece I received in the mail yesterday.
The following case provides a very good illustration of the legal problems arising from allegations of fraud.
The debate over prayer was perhaps the best illustration of what was at issue.
The concentration of ethnic minority women workforce in the garment industry owned by minority businessmen is a good illustration .
Lynn's relationship with Stuart is a good illustration of this.
But techniques of reproducing graphic images - illustrations - were very slow to develop.
Paul Zahl in his book Deliver us from Evil gives a graphic illustration of a bush fire sweeping towards two duck hunters.
Two simple illustrations may be given.
To take a simple illustration , they should be enabled to read a serious daily newspaper and understand what they read.
Here is a simple illustration of what is at issue.
Below is a simple illustration of this, given on two staves to save space.
He explained some basic principles of physical chemistry using simple illustrations .
However it is undeniably expensive for a paperback with simple line diagram illustrations and no colour.
Consider the following simple illustration of a one bank economy where a 10 percent liquid assets ratio must be maintained.
Here is a simple illustration from the law of tort.
As always, the behaviour of light is a useful source of illustration .
Public housing again provides a useful illustration .
It is a useful illustration as long as we remember that no illustration is exact.
The most useful form of illustration would have been sets of drawings on papyri or thin wood tablets, loosely bound together.
The cold fusion controversy provides a vivid illustration .
The special includes vivid illustrations of the impact meteors have had in the past and what could happen in the future.
But there is another vivid illustration of the discrimination practised by the Labour Party against people who live in the province.
Lafaille's climbs give vivid illustration that adventure can still be found, even in the world's most crowded massif.
Try to find a vivid illustration of your theme to start off your talk.
The vivid illustrations in the Blue Books of the 1840s could as well have come from the mines of Shropshire in 1770.
The Star's fuller reports gave a vivid illustration of two starkly contrasting versions of the same incident.
The aquatint, as a book illustration , was predominant in the period 1790-1830.
Instruction is in various media and covers landscapes, portraiture, still life, book illustration and more.
They are beyond and outside what was obligatory book illustration .
Attention is also devoted to his work in the fields of architecture and book illustration .
The smaller of the two is devoted to Picasso's prints and book illustrations .
This sometimes emerges when we find a book illustration , or a film or television interpretation, unconvincing.
Since 1985, she has concentrated on children's book illustrations .
Many have been produced in all honesty as book illustrations or in celebration of some interesting event or anniversary.
Every page of the book has at least one stunning, full colour illustration - a rich and inspiring treat.
A catalogue of colour illustrations of works on display together with essays by the selectors is being published.
Art books are expensive to produce, especially if they contain colour illustrations .
At the end of the twentieth century, at least some colour illustrations are likely to find places in a monograph.
Previous volumes, whose authors include Wittkower, Haskell, Baxandall and Girouard, will be updated with colour illustrations .
It is excellent value with good colour illustrations , many well-presented diagrams and an up-to-date bibliography.
A letterpress accompanying the illustrations would give the work a scientific legitimacy that Audubon's work as well as Lear's had lacked.
Table 4-7 provides a checklist of the determinants of supply: the accompanying illustrations deserve careful study.
The articles are accompanied by illustrations and graphics.
Art books are expensive to produce, especially if they contain colour illustrations .
Monographs may also contain additional illustrations , and maps showing distributions of individual taxa.
Certainly they contain similar sayings and illustrations .
It contained eighty-seven woodcut illustrations after Edward Burr e-Jones and woodcut borders and initials by Morris himself.
Let me give you a personal illustration .
But in order to give a preliminary illustration , we can take the example of these lectures.
I would like to give you just one illustration to show what I mean by the disintegrating influence of a dynamic force.
Lafaille's climbs give vivid illustration that adventure can still be found, even in the world's most crowded massif.
Paul Zahl in his book Deliver us from Evil gives a graphic illustration of a bush fire sweeping towards two duck hunters.
Aspects of the revolt gave further illustration of the unreliable loyalty of sections of the armed forces.
Let me give two illustrations that might unpack this a little more.
The Star's fuller reports gave a vivid illustration of two starkly contrasting versions of the same incident.
It may include packaging, illustration and computer graphics.
The special includes vivid illustrations of the impact meteors have had in the past and what could happen in the future.
The sites shared administrative costs, selectors and a catalogue which included an illustration and biographical details for each artist.
The rise of the Carron de Saint-Thomas clan offers a generalized illustration of how the Savoyard administrative elite developed at this time.
Northern Ireland provides a particularly clear illustration of the sometimes hidden problems involved in majoritarian thinking about democracy.
Public housing again provides a useful illustration .
Product particulars relating to Midland Pensions including details of charges will be provided with your illustration .
Stack wrote the story; his uncle, commercial artist Charles W.. Stack, provided the illustrations .
The following case provides a very good illustration of the legal problems arising from allegations of fraud.
Exhibit 5. 3 provides a simplified illustration of the difference between the two methods.
The cold fusion controversy provides a vivid illustration .
Knyvet provides an interesting illustration of the problems faced by the Crown in raising revenue.
You will see from the illustration that the vocal tract has several resonant cavities.
But as I settled into Campbell Hall, I saw illustrations continually, ones that complicated easy judgment and expectation.
It indicates the gentlest form of detachment. See for an illustration ex.6 from Donna Anna's first accompanied recitative.
When we look back over our lives we can see countless illustrations of this fact.
As will be seen by the illustrations , Basler and Professional/AMI have come up with very different looking installations.
Mr Hellyer could see the illustration now.
They are in danger of seeing each illustration as a separate creation, in a picture-frame rather than in a story.
I've only seen an illustration .
In Fig. 8-3 we show for purposes of illustration the Cobb Douglas case.
Think of a particular organization performance challenge you face as you look over the designs shown in the illustrations on page 266.
A stop end is normally used, constructed as follows and as shown in the illustration .
These can be used in countless ways, several of which are shown in the illustration .
Charlie tell us that she has to programme the computers to show the correct illustrations .
He explained some basic principles of physical chemistry using simple illustrations .
Walton, using audio clips for illustration , describes some popular methods of representing bird song.
This is nowhere better illustrated than in the case we used for our basic illustration of good design itself - echolocation.
Hands and arms are used for illustration , for replacing speech, for indicating emotional states, and for grooming oneself.
That would certainly be the case for vectors drawn on the page, which I used as my opening illustration .
He used the illustration of the wedding.
Giddens uses another illustration drawn from the car industry.
The new encyclopedia is full of color illustrations and photographs.
Who did the illustrations for the book? They're lovely.
In the illustration , the pullover is shown with the motif in allover repeat, using the central row of diamonds version.
So there was often an element of delusion about zoological illustration .
Taken as a set, the most critical performance-driven distinctions that emerge from the illustrations operate at two levels.
The illustration of the horizontal organization presents the richest contrast to that of the vertical.
The best illustration of what the relationship involved is found in the careers of two esquires, Nicholas Molyneux and John Winter.
They are beyond and outside what was obligatory book illustration .
Two simple illustrations may be given.