Meaning of IMMERSE in English





Instruments All instruments should be immersed in either a suitable disinfectant or minimum 5 percent formaldehyde solution as soon as treatment has been completed.

Every garden is really a small slice of the larger biosphere we all are immersed in .

Filters: Brush off loose debris, immerse in very hot alkali degreaser solution and leave for some hours.



Why do people take so much pleasure in immersing themselves in warm water ?

The curd is immersed in hot water or whey and worked, stretched, and molded while plastic.

Priests were immersing themselves in water .


He immersed himself in parish work and made himself indispensable to the overworked parish priest.

Caught up in the moment, he was clearly and completely immersed in his work .

Most days when it is severe, I simply get up and immerse myself in work .

In autonomous and auratic art, reception by contrast is individualized and the audience is typically immersed in the work itself.

Making no attempt to build a survey collection, they immersed themselves in the work of a few artists.

He immersed himself in his work .


A gurgling burn looms before you and in its cool streams you immerse your weary feet.

Cora J.. Rupp has spent her life immersed in art and wishes more of us would jump into the pool.

He was immersed in her words, lost in her ability to be straight.

Impossible to do immersed in society, but almost easy here.

One is immersed in the Spirit.

They visited pubs all over the country, immersing themselves in pub culture - playing darts and drinking with the lads.

We are immersed in making things.

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