Meaning of IMMORAL in English





I am referring to a level of promiscuity which even the most liberal heterosexual would regard as immoral .

His negative expression of this belief in bipolarity was his denunciation of neutrality, which he characterized as immoral .

Is this to be judged as immoral ?

For many people at the time such practices were regarded as immoral .

While Asquithians were attacking the Black and Tan policy as immoral , the Unionists were accusing the government of irresolution.


Critics complain that the lyrics of the song encourage anti-social and immoral behavior.

In many such stories, women are portrayed as untrustworthy and immoral .

Many people think that testing cosmetics on animals is immoral .

My parents think my lifestyle is both dangerous and immoral .

Their church believes that dancing is sinful and immoral .

To spend £23 billion on nuclear weapons is immoral , and a terrible waste of money.


All the sadistic, immoral thrills of a million lifetimes put together could not begin to equal what I felt.

I can only point out the immoral lifestyle that accompanied his profession and the evidence of spiritual deceit.

Many welfare opponents vilify recipients as lazy and immoral cheats and con artists.

Or what is moral or immoral .

Sometimes we accept that morality changes; that, what was immoral once is not immoral now.

The point is that the activity itself, in this case combustion, is not by itself moral or immoral .

They are impossible, immoral , and out of step with the whole history of salvation.

Today teachers can still be fired for immoral conduct, but in most states such conduct must be linked to teacher effectiveness.

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