Meaning of IMPRESSIONABLE in English



I've always wanted to do martial arts - maybe I saw too many Jackie Chan movies at an impressionable age.

Unfortunately, the show's message to millions of impressionable teens is that it's OK to take drugs.

What kind of impact will this movie have on impressionable kids?


A sign of the recession or fear that these impressionable young booksellers might be contaminated by their publishing counterparts in some way?

Iain, like any impressionable adolescent, was always going to find the bad sister more exciting.

Perhaps the Giants felt his approach was not conducive to getting the most out of his staff, especially impressionable young pitchers.

She had taken to growling menacingly at the more impressionable of the remedials to keep herself occupied.

Such was the disturbed world in which the young impressionable Nasser was to take his first steps in politics in the 1930s.

This is doubtful: the electorate, being composed of ordinary people, is less impressionable than Tory grandees.

You-you impressionable teenager with a crush on the football captain and anxiety about your own masculinity-you just might be a born homosexual.

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