Meaning of INAPPROPRIATE in English



appropriate/inappropriate formal (= suitable/not suitable for that situation )

Within the official school framework there are penalties for inappropriate behaviour.




But those arguments were expressed at a time when their implications were seen as inappropriate , unrealistic or unacceptable by many managers.

After a brief debate in the parliament, his scheme was dismissed as inappropriate .

The name Mad Axe is about as inappropriate as anyone could imagine.


Topocide is an emotional issue; quantitative research procedures were clearly inappropriate .

The entrepreneurial definition is clearly inappropriate here.

It is clearly inappropriate to involve Julie in a prolonged conversation as soon as she arrives on the ward.

If the agreement is clearly inappropriate or fails to reflect what has already been agreed, this can be counter-productive.

The patient's engagement in such exploration may sometimes be facilitated by including a clearly inappropriate possibility that he can easily reject.


Parallels with Simon de Montfort, the Valence and Joinville families are not entirely inappropriate .

But I also know that a word which is acceptable in the locker room can be entirely inappropriate for the classroom.

It was entirely inappropriate , but she couldn't help herself.

Such immunity would be entirely inappropriate in the case of an operating lease.

Nor is the dragon entirely inappropriate in a story relating to a king supposedly descended from a sea-monster.


Such language would be quite inappropriate if applied to the typical civil law system.

It has cloaked it in pedantic, complicated, incomprehensible language which is also quite inappropriate .

Indeed, it seems that in some cases an interpretation in terms of emphasis is quite inappropriate .

Here one is dealing with social situations which are relatively unexplored and where sample surveys may be quite inappropriate .


Ireland, with inflation above 6 %, has negative real interest rates, which is totally inappropriate .

Nothing would destroy her - least of all these totally inappropriate emotions for a man who had brought her nothing but misery.

Fine for a static Dalek, but totally inappropriate for a mobile machine.


The acts, implying possession in one case, may be wholly inappropriate to prove it in another.

Quite apart from questions of sample size and representativeness, this particular aggregation is wholly inappropriate .

Chief Inspector Davina Logan described the sentence as wholly inappropriate .

The same terms are used to describe very different products and some terms are wholly inappropriate .

Many of the burdensome covenants inserted in the former kind of lease will be wholly inappropriate to the latter.

One of these is the notion of detachment between professionals and clients which is wholly inappropriate in teaching.

For them the demand to draft or revise a long story would be wholly inappropriate .

One need hardly dwell on the catastrophic possibility of uttering a bantering remark only to discover it wholly inappropriate .



These feelings of being out of control can lead to inappropriate behaviour - maybe submissive behaviour.

Within the official school framework there are penalties for inappropriate behaviour and the pupils acknowledge, at least, its theoretical structure.

The negative consequences of inappropriate behaviour should be predictable to the child: he/she should know what to expect.

Get the child to practise positive behaviours which are physically incompatible with the inappropriate behaviour .

Not allowing any form of inappropriate behaviour .


Our door is painted a bright green colour with numerous messages using inappropriate language and phrases covering its exterior.


Teenagers often make inappropriate responses to conflicts such as aggression, withdrawing, sulking, tantrums or destructive behaviour.

All allergies are inappropriate responses by the body's immune system to a substance which is not normally harmful.


An inappropriate use of the Legal Adviser's skills.

Any of the following options would effectively reduce inappropriate use than would any technical change in legislation.

The issues are not about inappropriate use of authority nor are they about the display of heroics.

This then raises the question as to what is the inappropriate use of an acute hospital bed?

The environmental groups cite a number of examples of inappropriate use of the funds.


A poster showing a nude woman is wholly inappropriate for the office.


Any strike you as particularly inappropriate ?

Clark said it would be inappropriate to comment on his relationship with Beier.

For Mr Johns an incorrect diagnosis led to inappropriate treatment.

If such discriminations are appropriate to birds, why should they be inappropriate in the case of men?

May contain some material parents consider inappropriate for young children.

Such language would be quite inappropriate if applied to the typical civil law system.

The acts, implying possession in one case, may be wholly inappropriate to prove it in another.

The organizer of the mailing list monitors the discussion, ejects troublesome members and blocks inappropriate messages.

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