Meaning of INCESSANT in English



Julia became irritated by the child's incessant talking.

Outside the window is the incessant noise of cars and buses.

She gave two- or three-word answers to reporters' incessant questions.

The incessant buzz of conversation filled the student cafeteria.

The incessant buzzing of helicopters filled the evening sky.

The incessant rain has meant that many matches had to be cancelled.


But nothing could drown out the other incessant thrumming.

Eccentrics talk to themselves; some of us address incessant memos to ourselves; many people write in private journals.

Far more wearing for the community at large was the incessant drumming which emanated from the jail-house.

Quite apart from the borders' incessant claims on the tsar's attention, they tied down his troops.

The deep tones of the cannon marked time to the incessant roll of musketry...

The governor handled the violent uncertainties of his country, the incessant bloodletting, a lot better than I did.

The streets and bars were deserted, and for once the incessant noise and bustle had abated.

Thunder exploded, roll after roll after roll, so that there seemed to be no gap between but only an incessant bombardment.

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