Meaning of INCOMPLETE in English





Two years later, however, with negotiations still incomplete , Edward embarked on his abortive campaign with the results described above.

It could even be argued that their liberation is still incomplete today.

The enquiry into the occurrence, they said, was still incomplete .

More than three decades later that evolution is still under way, and still incomplete .

Hauge says his assessment is still incomplete , since he has not yet had access to Soviet military records.

The first year of the pilot programme is still incomplete .

Our understanding of these systems is, however, still incomplete .



Conclusions drawn from applying statistical techniques to incomplete data may be very misleading.

Participants with incomplete data were excluded from the analyses including the missing variables.

They can learn from and make decisions based on incomplete data .


When it's ill-conceived, ill-considered or based on incomplete information , the Profitboss won't criticize the critic.

Both are obliged to make decisions on incomplete information .

Design, development and management have in common the absolute necessity of taking action based on incomplete information .

Apologies: last week's story on the Sparc Architecture Version 9 specification was incorrect, and based upon incomplete information .


incomplete drawings

Incomplete historical records have made the investigation more difficult.

an incomplete job application

For many, a good meal is incomplete without a fine wine.

Historical records for this time are incomplete .

The excavation of the tunnel is still incomplete .


Current data on which regulatory decisions are based, because they are incomplete , give an imprecise estimate of risk.

Democrats said the McCollum-Zeliff charges were an incomplete sneak preview of conclusions expected when their committees have completed a full report.

Midway through the second quarter, Steve Young aggravated his groin while running toward the sideline and throwing an incomplete pass.

None the less, the success of this program was incomplete .

Superficial shortcuts result in incomplete healing.

The database is also obviously incomplete , being little more than a list of fields for you to fill in.

To date £6.7 million has been spent on two incomplete ferry terminals at Gills Bay and Burwick.

While incomplete , the steps that were taken laid the foundation for Workplace 2000.

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