Meaning of INCONSPICUOUS in English



Carpet cleaner should always be tested in an inconspicuous spot first.

Saunder's studio is in an inconspicuous red-brick building on a quiet side street.

The two bank robbers got in line at a nearby fast-food restaurant, hoping to be inconspicuous as police flooded the area.


And she was supposed to remain inconspicuous .

From about 1100 to 1869 the Taurids were lost, or so inconspicuous as to evade detection.

I tried to be inconspicuous , but I could not stop staring at him, I could not stop listening to him.

If this weird shit was going down all around him, it would pay to be as inconspicuous as possible.

In the little churchyard in Sasbach, by contrast, two inconspicuous marble tablets are set into a wall.

Teal are very inconspicuous when nesting, and no census has been attempted.

The inconspicuous dunnock has the most variable mating system of any known bird.

The door closed, and I stood in the corridor, trying to look inconspicuous .

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