I. noun
an infant school British English (= for children aged 5 to 7 )
child/infant prodigy
infant mortality rate
infant/child/maternal/adult mortality
an appallingly high infant mortality rate number of babies who die
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
But he observed that human infants are not self-supporting, so how did these first humans survive to perpetuate the species?
What are the factors that result in either early or delayed feelings of love for a newborn infant ?
Further studies are needed to validate the suggested criteria for newborn infants .
The 2-year-old is cognitively and affectively different from the newborn infant .
Retractions were sensitive but not specific, and grunting was not significantly associated with hypoxaemia in these newborn infants .
We believe that a multicentre trial with clearly defined outcome measures is necessary to recruit an adequate number of premature infants .
Naturally, this is much more difficult for the parents of a premature infant .
In newborns, especially premature infants , this liver enzyme system is not fully developed or functional.
When premature infants who are unresponsive are taken out of the incubator, she usually takes over their care.
An understanding of how small premature infants develop compared with babies born at term can also help this relationship.
Parents have an easier time adapting to premature infants who are more responsive.
In one study, the half-life of caffeine in premature infants ranged from 41 to 231 hours.
Communication between everyone involved in the care of a premature or sick infant is a daily necessity.
For any fever in the young infant - less than 4 months.
In large families girls are often expected to assume the care of young infants until they deliver their own.
Do whatever is necessary to get a very sick young infant seen.
Sander has emphasized that the quiet alert state in a young infant is extremely stable.
Grandmothers approached us, playful girls and young women with infants slung in cloths across their backs.
The two changes in infant care practice had a temporal relation with mass publicity accompanying fund raising for the Cot Death Association.
This paradox has prompted research on the potential contribution of varying infant care practices to the prevention of deaths from this syndrome.
In Britain two examples of cohort studies provide descriptive accounts of patterns of infant care in urban communities.
The risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome within groups were remarkably similar.
Bristol is at the forefront of the fight against a number of childhood conditions, including cancer and sudden infant death .
During the fieldwork period, sudden infant deaths received enormous publicity in the national media.
Risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome were calculated separately for Maori and non-Maori children.
This, of course, assumes that these variables are causally related to sudden infant death syndrome and are independent.
In total these four risk factors accounted for 89% of Maori and 79% of non-Maori sudden infant deaths .
In one trial, installation of the equipment reduced infant mortality from 10 percent of the litter to 0.5 percent.
Further reduction of infant mortality and chronic handicap depends increasingly on prevention of such disorders.
High infant mortality made such events of doubtful political importance.
Nevertheless, the reasons for the striking decline in infant mortality in this period remain rather mysterious.
This drop in mortality was above all a drop in infant mortality.
The relationship between maternal age and infant mortality stands not only across countries and populations but also with passing time.
Prior to World War I, infant mortality rates in the workhouses were more than double the rate for the entire population.
As mentioned above, the rate of reduction in the level of infant mortality was not uniform in each maternal age group.
Children attended infant school until they were seven.
This infant school was sometimes part of a junior school which catered for seven to eleven year olds.
At this time Syeduz was nearly six and in his second term in the infant school .
An infant school built in 1840 served both Seaton and Sigglesthorne.
Read in studio An infant school has reopened after being severely damaged by arsonists.
The children have been followed through infant school .
Sailors will also be joining classes at Hurworth junior and infant school .
Jorgan, his infant son by his wife Kitty.
His two infant sons had died within a few days of one another in April 1541.
The yellow metal box that was fixed to the brickwork on the greengrocer's shop reminded Lee Sorvino of his infant son .
Ah, but here was a job: the infant teacher was called away for half an hour.
Carey stood up, the fish held in the crook of his arm, as you would hold an infant .
Despite other examples around her and recommendations, Monica held her dolls and children as she had been held as an infant .
Soon a line of toddlers and caretakers holding infants joined Miles's parade, weaving their way throughout the room.
Her parents both died when she was an infant .
The couple have a three-year-old son and an infant daughter.
There are clear differences in speed of learning between infants at this early stage.
There has been a sharp rise in infant mortality since the drought began.
An infant illuminates the foreground so brightly that the background fades.
Doctors and other health experts consider it wise to safeguard infants by giving supplementary vitamins.
Grandmothers approached us, playful girls and young women with infants slung in cloths across their backs.
I believe the First Mate, Mr Brown, treated me kindly; he consigned my dead infant to its watery fate.
I must give you my personal assurances that this infant is receiving perfect care.
Measuring the infant , administering vitamin K and eye ointment, and bathing the infant must be saved for later. 6.
The key similarity for Freud lies in the dominance of unconscious processes both for infants and for early man.
II. adjective
It does not require science to inform us that infants require infant care and children require child care.
But because men lack the experience and confidence, infant care training can help.
Most of the rest are self-conscious and feel as awkward doing infant care as they would pirouetting in a tutu.
We have been reared like our brothers to develop our potential, not to mind younger siblings and learn about infant care .
On the practical side, a supplementary bottle-feeding makes it a lot easier for men to participate in infant care .
C., with their infant daughter , Constancia, who came to be known as Dinky.
As in all cities, the infant death rate in Washington fluctuates from year to year.
If you halved the ratio of population per physician, you reduced the number of infant deaths by 2. 5 percent.
If, however, you doubled secondary female education, you reduced infant death by an enormous 64 percent.
Schooling is the route to lowering infant mortality .
A final factor that affects the number of children desired by developing world couples is infant mortality .
Amongthe poorest 25 % of the rural population, infant mortality is 3.5 times higher than among city dwellers.
Declines in infant mortality may have contributed indirectly to declining fertility, though evidence on the matter is inconclusive.
Anhui officials produced impressive statistics for the decline in infant mortality in the county visited.
The correlation between infant mortality and fertility has not been well documented.
Tampa General Hospital created a subsidiary to combat infant mortality .
In a region where infant mortality is high, the argument struck a responsive chord.
With her infant son in her arms, Perpetua was imprisoned while waiting to be baptized.
He has an infant son , and leaving the area would have been difficult.
A couple charged with abuse so severe it left their infant son blind and brain-damaged.
Later in the evening, Teacher Song and his wife, who lived next door, came over with their infant son .
But because men lack the experience and confidence, infant care training can help.
Improved nutrition, poverty reduction, maternal education and better medical services have combined to halve infant mortality.
It does not require science to inform us that infants require infant care and children require child care.
These prompted a resourceful Hodder editor to ask the Naylors whether their concept could be adapted into books for infant school children.