Meaning of INOCULATE in English



And Isle of Muck had inoculated his tenants against the smallpox at a cost of two shillings and sixpence per head.

By mid-November 1953 plans were in place to start inoculating children on February 8, 1954.

His dark throat lay inoculated beneath that hollow of wrinkled skin.

I sometimes think that the principal function of professional training in education is to inoculate teachers against books on education.

Net fluid transport was measured 18 hours after inoculating the intestine with the bacterial strain.

She had been inoculated April 21 with the Cutter vaccine, along with almost four-hundred Clearwater County first-and second graders.

Still, the day after the announcement in Ann Arbor, communities started inoculating children.

To be sure, scientists have created disease by inoculating animals with brain tissue from infected animals.

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