Meaning of INSOMNIA in English





Large amounts of strong coffee can cause insomnia and, in extreme cases, palpitations and irregular heartbeats.

You may wonder why sleeping pills and tranquilizers are on a list of drugs that can cause insomnia .

This, experts tell us, upsets the body rhythm and can cause insomnia .

In low doses, ephedrine speeds up the body, causing restlessness, insomnia , and nervousness.

Also, a medication that causes drowsiness in one Individual may cause insomnia in another.

How each of these causes maintenance insomnia is fully explained later in this book.

However, many of us lead lives that lack regularity and rhythm, and this can cause insomnia .


He was suffering from insomnia and hypertension.

One was written for a woman who said she suffered from insomnia and lower back pain.

Why should I be the only one suffering from insomnia ?

Undoubtedly suffers from insomnia and when he does sleep his dream life must be productive, distorted, and possibly frightening.

He suffered from insomnia and was taking barbiturates.

From the first week I started suffering from insomnia .


a cure for insomnia

He suffered from insomnia and was taking sleeping pills each night.

I'm an incurable insomniac so I get a lot of my work done while the world sleeps.

My mother was alarmed by my fits of weeping and chronic insomnia .

Working outdoors all day certainly did wonders for my insomnia .


A trained and skilled practitioner can tailor a session to treat insomnia by reducing muscular tension and promoting relaxation.

He was suffering from insomnia and hypertension.

In small amounts it can act as a stimulant, in larger doses causing hyperactivity, headaches and insomnia .

It is important for people who are sixty years and older and are experiencing insomnia to be screened for depression.

One was written for a woman who said she suffered from insomnia and lower back pain.

The doctor advises that insomnia with resultant irritability and even mild depression may occur.

Why should I be the only one suffering from insomnia ?

You may wonder why sleeping pills and tranquilizers are on a list of drugs that can cause insomnia .

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