But while workers in food factories are regularly inspected , sandwiches are often made by small firms and even one-man-bands.
Both bodies regularly inspect the homes and have powers to make sure that care and other conditions reach specified standards.
Ties should be inspected regularly and renewed annually, so as not to constrict the stem.
It was also regularly inspected by the Station Commander, who appointed an officer to be in charge of the aircraft.
The worst affected areas are to be targeted and farms will be inspected regularly .
At present an elderly people's home must be registered before it can take residents and be inspected regularly .
Schools will be inspected regularly by privatised inspection services chosen by the head teacher and governess.
Laws had to be enforced, as mine were regularly inspected .
But neither the princess nor the police driver got out to inspect the damage .
Thursday, on the Morning After, we went to the New Garden to inspect the damage .
She picked up her suitcase and made her way along the aisle, pausing to inspect the damage to her legs.
Loi, when he came to inspect the damage , was confident.
The five then went into Meehan's flat to inspect the damage .
I head for the cove to inspect the damage .
I pulled on oilskins, clambered forward, and inspected the damage by the light of a hand torch.
The Multnomah County Courthouse was evacuated and employees were gathered in a park across the street while officials inspected for damage .
Invite the chosen agent to inspect the house and give an indication of the market price.
However, the insurer probably will inspect the new house carefully, to be sure that it is properly retrofitted against earthquakes.
He gave both Ranulf and Maltote careful instructions; he was going to inspect the burnt-out novice house .
It wanted us to live in inspected houses .
It is important, therefore, to inspect the resultant mail message.
Select Option 6.1.1, Inspect Individual Mail , and inspect the mail message.
After inspecting an item of mail , each user can elect to delete the message or retain it for later examination.
She was rounding up a party to come and inspect the property . and everybody wanted my attention.
A cautious man would have inspected the properties he was lending against, for nothing but property underpinned the loans.
More recently we've started inspecting other properties in the Wellport area.
Social workers are inspecting the school on a daily basis, and have uncovered complaints about care and management practices.
Who should inspect the schools for councils but ex-teachers, because they are deemed to be the only people properly qualified?
Gloucestershire County Council, has been responsible since last year for inspecting the independent school .
In the first year, we inspected all schools , picking up on things which needed remedying.
There will, of course, continue to be local council inspectors to inspect schools without delegated budgets.
Troops have now sealed the valley, refusing requests by foreigners to inspect the site .
Whenever a malt ship is being loaded comes down to inspect the site and oversee the loading.
When Athene came to inspect the work she could find no flaw there.
Instead, the Natick research staff inspected several civilian work boots and asked two manufacturers to modify their boots for Navy use.
I saw the car away up the block, turning off Fifth, probably coming back to inspect their work .
He walked across and inspected the work thoroughly.
His touch was the touch of an artist, inspecting his work , his craft, rather than honouring the dead woman.
I refuse to allow you to inspect my cellars simply because you have seen my young sister carrying a torch.
In January 1988, the landlord wished to gain access to allow its insurers to inspect and affix sprinklers.
The court heard that Ellis was happy to allow police to inspect his personal finances.
Now come closer, inspect the aircraft.
Loi, when he came to inspect the damage, was confident.
When the doctor came to inspect them, Stephen asked him what had happened to the boy.
The Colonel, son of the aforementioned Marquis, comes to inspect the troops and becomes enamoured of Gertrudis' beauty.
When Athene came to inspect the work she could find no flaw there.
Sanders estimates that. 08 percent of all trucks coming through are inspected for mechanical violations.
She was rounding up a party to come and inspect the property. and everybody wanted my attention.
I saw the car away up the block, turning off Fifth, probably coming back to inspect their work.
All trucks coming through are inspected for mechanical violations.
At the airport, Customs officials inspected my purse and hand luggage.
General Allen arrived to inspect the troops.
Restaurants are inspected at least once a year by Health Department officials.
Russian and American teams will have the right to inspect each other's missile sites.
Some insurance people have already been here to inspect the damage caused by the storm.
The building is regularly inspected by a fire-safety officer.
The school will be inspected in May.