But they regarded the simple wartime orientation of the neutralisation regime as insufficient in the post-Second-World-War era.
Industry bodies have dismissed what has so far emerged as insufficient .
Any increases in spending on education were seen as insufficient by staff and students alike at major universities.
However, most of these methods paid insufficient attention to the highly complex nature of landscape values, while overemphasizing scenic attractiveness.
Pena was roundly criticized by senators who lectured him about public grandstanding and insufficient attention to safety concerns.
The failing of the more usual critique lies in its insufficient attention to empirical practice.
The underlying cultural patterns anthropologists seek means the implications offered by changing historical circumstances are given insufficient attention .
There is insufficient attention paid to the analytical problems to be addressed in biochemistry.
Certainly, insufficient attention is often paid to concepts of choice, self-expression and self-help.
The trouble with our system is that we overdo the disqualification and pay insufficient attention to requalification.
Government scientists may be forced to declare that they have insufficient data to justify recommending commercial production.
Unfortunately the true picture will never be established, for insufficient evidence survives.
They will help us explain the prosecutor 5 zeal to accuse on insufficient evidence .
There was insufficient evidence to identify a patron.
A subsequent grand jury said there was insufficient evidence of misconduct.
The two agents were arrested in May 1990, but were released a few days later on grounds of insufficient evidence .
But Weisberg said there was insufficient evidence to back that claim in the Menendez case.
There is clearly insufficient evidence for the most serious charges.
Furthermore a higher proportion of blacks were acquitted after trial, which again suggests insufficient evidence .
Staff at the Commission have claimed that it has insufficient funds to do this.
It was returned for insufficient funds , according to the suit.
Essentially those institutions with surplus funds lend to those with insufficient funds to meet their requirements.
The accused drew by cheque card on a bank balance which had insufficient funds to meet the sum.
It gives insufficient information about the reasons for its decisions.
For one, with so little time in the field, there was insufficient information about routine operations.
There may be insufficient information , in which case the conclusion is exactly that.
It could be that insufficient information was available upon which to make a correct decision.
However there is insufficient information present in script for unambiguous identification of characters and words.
Changes will be deferred if there is insufficient information available to make a decision.
Where there is insufficient information supplied about a proposed assignee for a proper decision to be made on the question of consent.
Unfortunately this does not always happen and when it does there is often insufficient time given to such training.
Simply expressed, they have insufficient time , inadequate resources, not enough basic interest and, crucially, other priorities.
For this reason, machine-cut trial trenches are most commonly used on sites where there is insufficient time for more careful methods.
The average stay is two years and this is considered insufficient time to master the workings of a complex government department.
For most this left insufficient time to build any significant pensions.
It is better to report that you had insufficient time to collect certain data than to produce half baked results.
Equally, the estimator may have insufficient time or resources to provide a breakdown of the estimate.
an insufficient source of water
The bank charged me for having insufficient funds in my account.
The data we have is insufficient to draw any conclusions.
There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and farmers are having trouble.