Meaning of INSURE in English





We will also insure you in the same way following an accident involving any trailer while attached to your motor cycle.

If you wish, you can also insure your Spouse and pay a joint premium starting from £7.90.

We will also insure you against an accident involving any trailer that is attached to your car.

You can also insure your payments in case you're unable to work due to sickness, accident or redundancy.

More than 120,000 disabled motorists are also insured with the firm.



However, while your policy is suspended we will still insure your car against loss or damage by fire or theft.


Read in studio Britain's churches are under siege, according to the company which insures them.

The destroyed truck is owned by the volunteer fire company and insured through the county, officials said.

None of the companies will insure ejido property unless it has been properly privatized.

However, the insurance company is balking at insuring against Cigar this year.


So you are better insuring these expensive possessions on your home insurance .

Mechanics were needed to keep them running, gas stations to fuel them, insurance agents to insure themthe list is endless.


It is fully insured to meet potential liabilities .

If you are unconcerned about business debts and can insure against liability , you may not need a corporation.

General Exceptions Your policy does not insure 1 any liability , injury, loss or damage arising outside the United Kingdom.


However, while your policy is suspended we will still insure your car against loss or damage by fire or theft.

The availability crisis developed after the January 1994 Northridge earthquake, which inflicted more than $ 8 billion in insured residential losses .


General Exceptions Your policy does not insure 1 any liability, injury, loss or damage arising outside the United Kingdom.

Expensive items of jewellery may be insured under an All Risks policy .


Therefore the landlord should be encouraged to insure against all normal risks .

But for growers, it can be an expensive way of insuring against risk , suggests Mr Dickie.

In the end, it is possible, technically, to insure against any risk .

What Mr Hemsley needs, suggests Mr Dickie, is a way of insuring his returns against risk .


At this renewal of your Policy, you may increase your Contents and Buildings sums insured free of charge.

In the event of the total loss of one of these separately insured items the proper settlement is the sum insured.

The limit payable under this section is restricted to a maximum of 10% of the Buildings sum insured .

If you would like to increase your sums insured , please use the attached coupon.

Members choose what they wish to insure and decide for themselves on the sums they insure.

The normal premium is about 10 percent of the total sum insured .

This shows both the increase due to index-linking and, if applicable, an increase where your sum insured was previously under £17,500.


the insured

The insured is required to pay a portion of all medical bills.


No one will insure him because of his heart condition.

We insured all our valuables before the move.

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