an intelligent guess
Analysis of the archaeological site will help us make an intelligent guess as to what it was used for.
intelligent design
intelligent/conscious/rational etc being
a story about alien beings who invade Earth
She thought of herself as intelligent and had been called so.
Some people think that an uncreative individual can not properly be regarded as intelligent , and others strongly disagree.
Masklin always said that they're nearly as intelligent as we are.
Summary statements are useful in everyday speech, where we are continually describing people as intelligent or aggressive or generous or nice.
Strangers will be less intimidating, as intelligent badges will swap information that helps you find a compatible person.
You must be at least as intelligent as me.
Baboons are highly intelligent animals and learn to satisfy their biological needs in many often diverse ways.
A highly intelligent , highly motivated, and extremely personable young woman, Crystal has had numerous supports along the way.
Now as then, Gielgud is acute, highly intelligent and concerned to help draw a full portrait.
City Hall insiders described Cruz as highly intelligent and ultrasensitive to minority issues.
Alix seemed to her to be both practical and highly intelligent .
By the time she was ready to go, this highly intelligent and capable woman spoke the language fluently.
Loved to talk: never boring. Highly intelligent - read a great deal.
First, that rugby players are a highly intelligent , dedicated and wise bunch.
In January a national poll found that most whites think blacks are lazy, less intelligent and less patriotic than whites are.
A less intelligent and less secure judge might have permitted the defense to explore these avenues.
Your Watson, then, needs to be just a little less intelligent than you conceive your readers as being.
A side-effect of this automation was that the network became less intelligent , albeit much cheaper to run.
That departure to university of a man far less intelligent than himself had been a blow to Stephen.
They were less intelligent , but more sympathetic, providing the glue that held the family together.
Macaques and other less intelligent primates have not yet displayed the self-recognition abilities of apes and humans.
Another runner more intelligent than most, mingled exclusively with the dealers.
A flurry of hands from the more eager, more intelligent first graders.
I mentioned earlier that he was like Slim - more intelligent and caring than most, and very different.
These new assistants are more intelligent than their predecessors.
I couldn't have been more fortunate in working with two more intelligent and delightful men.
It is the need to outwit and dupe and help and teach one another that drove us to be ever more intelligent .
It's more intelligent than Trivial Pursuit and noisier than Charades.
She had never met a handsomer man, or one more intelligent .
But Tobermory is a most intelligent cat.
Does this sound like the rational act of the most intelligent species on the planet?
Many a time he commented upon the mental rapport he found with his most intelligent animals.
For all his eccentricity, he had impressed me as a most intelligent man.
As far as she knew porpoises were the most intelligent .
The threat was that if reform failed, one of their liveliest, most intelligent , and often wealthiest constituencies would withdraw.
The most intelligent of people have heart attacks as well as the stupid ones.
He, too, has been questioned but he is not the most intelligent of men, or the best of horse-riders.
He'd always believed that humans were quite intelligent .
He was not intellectual or scholarly, but nevertheless quite intelligent .
He's so intelligent that I don't think he would even take his glasses off before doing it.
They're so intelligent and full of character.
How could a man so intelligent in every other way be so obtuse when it came to ordinary everyday living?
How could I ever listen to office gossip even in bed and find it so intelligent ?
Squids are so intelligent and swift-moving that they must find little difficulty in avoiding man's clumsy deep-sea dredges.
She thought of Miguel, stern, slightly stuffy at times, yet so kind and so intelligent .
Do we need this old Graeco-Roman game - like Eliot's Shakespeherian rag, so elegant, so intelligent ?
Amazing how some one so intelligent can be stupid enough to think such hypocrisy would pass unnoticed.
A mug's game, because her mind was blurred and Jessica was far too intelligent , and caught her drift immediately.
Beth is too intelligent not to realize that she has been snubbed.
But he was too intelligent not to have a conscience.
He would never have found me, because he was not very intelligent .
Oh yes, very intelligent , almost an intellectual.
Still, Brown's impeccable exercises in style are highly engaging, visually spectacular and very intelligent .
A news media-ignored but very intelligent and articulate movement is afoot to bring this information to everyone.
I was not feeling very intelligent .
He was only 27, amusing, very intelligent and talented and will be deeply missed by those who knew him.
Because Bruce is really very intelligent .
Could we redesign companies in a completely new light using the negotiation skills and information-filtering of intelligent agents ?
No, no one in my country was quite clever enough to program intelligent agents .
The simplest idea is that the ad contains intelligent agents that communicate with your agents to determine your likes and dislikes.
In the meantime, though, people are the only intelligent agents in the computer world.
Firstly, intelligent agents will become ubiquitous.
He took me to the farmer, who soon realized that I was not an animal, but an intelligent being .
Maybe some other race of intelligent beings elsewhere in the galaxy will achieve a better balance between responsibility and aggression.
I have to look at an intelligent face .
Glover completely approved of most of them, of their long, loose legs and intelligent faces .
Erica Lucas was five feet six, with a thin, strong, intelligent face .
He had a square, intelligent face and a quiet manner which exuded self-confidence.
It decrees that intelligent life in some way selects out its own actual universe from a variety of possible alternatives.
Yes, well, I suppose they also told you that intelligent life has been found on Mars?
You have to know about stuff like this or your program is going to claim it's found intelligent life on Mars.
Two years ago, we discovered the first evidence for intelligent life outside the Earth.
Obviously there is pleasure in watching Hollywood recognise intelligent life in the typing pool.
Most of these universes will not provide the right conditions for the development of the complicated structures needed for intelligent life .
However, a strong thermodynamic arrow is necessary for intelligent life to operate.
Thus intelligent life could not exist in the contracting phase of the universe.
He cited as an example an intelligent man who had been disabled.
Just as I was warming to the subject, I noticed that this handsome, intelligent man was finishing my sentences.
He was not a very intelligent man; intelligent men do not go to prison with such sad regularity.
For all his eccentricity, he had impressed me as a most intelligent man .
What would have made an intelligent man do that?
I decided that it would be a Colonel Shelhi, a very intelligent man and a great admirer of Colonel Nasser.
He was a weaker and more intelligent man than Teixeira.
Councillors should be treated as intelligent people who make decisions based on information.
The Romans felt that work demeaned intelligent people .
It is true that if some one talks to intelligent people regularly and is well informed and advised, then much is absorbed.
But there are intelligent people out there.
The young, intelligent people feel a great sense of betrayal, even those who at first believed in all this.
Most intelligent people who have not accepted Freudian indoctrination will ask him to tell that to the Marines.
Not just brilliance but a form of autism only now recognised in intelligent people .
I have dealt with reasonably intelligent people who have discovered that they could have claimed more money.
It's surprising how many mistakes an otherwise intelligent person can make when left to execute a document unaided.
This Auster was the first intelligent person he had spoken to in a long time.
The art, according to Finniston, is to ask intelligent questions and look for inconsistencies.
I like people to ask me intelligent questions and I will answer intelligently.
She spoke about it at length and Richard asked intelligent questions .
Cameron continued to make intelligent use of the ball.
The horse has to be taught to answer the aids correctly by intelligent use of the aids and instant reward of obedience.
I should have explained that she was an intelligent woman .
He had always enjoyed the company of intelligent women , and if they were pretty, then so much the better.
Demonstrating my attractiveness to a young intelligent woman in competition with young attractive males had become almost an obsession of mine.
Everything just so ... Julia is an attractive and intelligent woman in her early thirties.
Although her plan to import earnest and intelligent women failed, she did learn how to work the land.
Despite her handicaps Helen was an attractive, intelligent woman , and must have had many suitors.
She was acting like some idiotic schoolgirl, not an intelligent woman , she thought in exasperation.
"We're looking for highly intelligent young people, with a genuine interest in their subject," a university spokesman said.
an intelligent decision
Anne was surprised to hear such an intelligent question coming from a very small child.
Do you think there are intelligent life forms on other planets?
Have you got any intelligent suggestions to make?
Mark was an intelligent , ambitious young man, with a great future in front of him.
Some scientists claim that dolphins are more intelligent than humans.
Vlasic is a very intelligent player.