large intestine
small intestine
Methane gas is regarded as a harmless byproduct of fermentation in the large intestine of man.
Lipkin proposed that upward expansion of the proliferative compartment of the crypts of the large intestine occurs before adenoma development.
Cryptosporidium has been detected in the proximal small intestine , the large intestine and the rectum in man.
The oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestines were macroscopically normal.
No dietary factors have been shown to affect colonisation of the large intestine with methanogens.
In the other 14 patients, barium studies of the small and large intestine did not show any mechanical obstruction.
It thus seems that a histologically normal intestine is a prerequisite for adequate carnitine absorption.
In the rat small intestine , many drugs are acetylated and excreted into the lumen.
As the wall of the small intestine comes into view, you notice that it looks furry.
Discussion Coeliac disease probably represents an aberrant immune response by antigen specific T cells of the small intestine to certain cereal peptides.
People who lack a pancreas, a second kidney, a small intestine , may not run marathons, but they live.
The degree of amyloid deposition, however, was greatest in the small intestine .
Once the cysts reach the small intestine , trophozoites are released.
Normal motility of the small intestine in the fasting state is characterised by the cyclical appearance of the migrating motor complex.
They reproduce rapidly, attach to the wall of the small intestine and stay there.
As the wall of the small intestine comes into view, you notice that it looks furry.
Each day, 7-10 litres of water enter the small intestine .
In agreement with our findings, they showed that the rat intestine secreted fluid on day 5 after parasite administration.
Montgomery etal isolated cells from 18 day fetal rat intestine by trypsin dissociation.
So far two of 10 patients with a diagnosis of Crohn's disease have already developed recurrence in the small intestine .
The degree of amyloid deposition, however, was greatest in the small intestine .
The ultrastructure of the intestine was examined in seven patients.
The village paths soon became covered with a mass of bodies, brains, blood and intestines.