Meaning of IQ in English





Or are those with lower IQs more likely to be exposed to lead because of social factors?

They had low IQs and limited language, behaved bizarrely, and were put into special schools and residential homes.



Because a standard IQ score is usually a good measure of g it efficiently tells us something important.

Furthermore, 36 percent of all work-inhibited students possessed IQ scores that were in the superior to very superior range.


It's like doing one of those IQ tests and you keep going over the words and numbers again and again.

Can Don pass the IQ test ?

More psychologists were brought in to assess Mr X, who must by this time have been suffering from IQ test overkill.

At his previous school, his entrance IQ tests had yielded a score of 62.

The current basis for determining whether or not a person is mentally handicapped is the IQ test .

Children with higher blood lead levels did less well in IQ tests , number skills and reading ability.

But if you want the golfing equivalent of an IQ test in beautiful surroundings, Silloth is the place.

So we see him skating through standard arguments about the inadequacies of IQ tests and the difficulties of separating nature and nurture.


Lead can cause slowed growth and reduced IQ .


At his previous school, his entrance IQ tests had yielded a score of 62.

But if you want the golfing equivalent of an IQ test in beautiful surroundings, Silloth is the place.

Furthermore, 36 percent of all work-inhibited students possessed IQ scores that were in the superior to very superior range.

He has an IQ of 65.

It was 300 column-lines long, but it contained no mention of press coverage of the IQ controversy.

Kaczynski, with a genius IQ of 170, graduated from high school at 16 and snagged a scholarship to Harvard.

Samantha Newbery's IQ of 156 puts her among Britain's cleverest one percent according to Mensa, the club for geniuses.

Sharp, in particular, are rapidly expanding the range of memory cards which can be slotted into their IQ organisers.

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