Meaning of JARGON in English





Using legal or scientific jargon to dazzle.

One day, the mystery of legal procedures and jargon disappeared.

Critics of legal drafting often complain that lawyers are fond of using legal jargon .

However, a distinction can be drawn between such technical terms of art and legal jargon .


They kept details of programs in their heads, and always explained procedures in highly technical jargon .

All they have to do is to hold out against substandard systems and apply pragmatic criteria in the face of technical jargon .

A major obstacle to understanding is the use of technical jargon which is unintelligible to the buyer.

There was more, but it was technical jargon about his physique, state of health, last known meal and so on.

The managers spoke in cryptic, allusive utterances, using technical jargon that was opaque to her.

Do not confuse your reader with technical terms or jargon .



As the report must be read and understood by our client, please avoid unnecessary jargon and explain all terms used.

It is essential to avoid the use of jargon .

Speak in sentences rather than individual words. Avoid jargon and technical terms.

Try to avoid jargon words unless they have a precise purpose in your writing.

It is important to avoid using jargon and complicated language.


As a wee boy I knew the jargon of the Ayrshire pits, names and terms incomprehensible to the uninitiated.

This special, or technical, vocabulary is known as jargon .


The managers spoke in cryptic, allusive utterances, using technical jargon that was opaque to her.

It is important to avoid using jargon and complicated language.

Phrases like this are often used like the jargon of politics, as deceptively simple slogans.

The conmen use baffling jargon when they talk about those deals, to confuse their victims.

Critics of legal drafting often complain that lawyers are fond of using legal jargon .

Very graphical, easy to use and all jargon is explained in detail.


I hate all this management jargon about 'upskilling' and 'downsizing'.

military jargon

When you first learn about computers, there is a whole lot of jargon to understand.


And he was the creator of a new police jargon .

From the outset a policy was adopted which aimed at eliminating unnecessary jargon and the mystique normally associated with computers.

I love their daring, their looks, their jargon , and what they have in mind.

In addition, coworkers may be as caught up in the company jargon as you are.

It is protected from public scrutiny by the technicality of its jargon .

Make certain that ideas are clearly delineated and most of all, avoid the use of professional jargon .

Many of us find it hard to navigate this jargon .

They kept details of programs in their heads, and always explained procedures in highly technical jargon .

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