Meaning of JAUNDICE in English





Since then these stents have been used in bile ducts for malignant obstructive jaundice and are placed either percutaneously or endoscopically.

Elevated alkaline phosphatase is associated with liver disease and with both obstructive jaundice and intrahepatic jaundice.

Patients presenting with obstructive jaundice caused by bile duct stricture may be managed by either surgery or stenting.

In most cases, the alkaline phosphatase value in obstructive jaundice is higher than in intrahepatic jaundice.


Disorders that follow this type of course are acute hemolytic anemia, chronic hemolytic anemia, and neonatal jaundice .

Elevated alkaline phosphatase is associated with liver disease and with both obstructive jaundice and intrahepatic jaundice.

Neonatal physiologic jaundice due to an enzyme deficiency is hepatic in origin.

Patients presenting with obstructive jaundice caused by bile duct stricture may be managed by either surgery or stenting.

Since then these stents have been used in bile ducts for malignant obstructive jaundice and are placed either percutaneously or endoscopically.

Symptoms include fatigue, fever, nausea, jaundice and dark urine, although some people never manifest symptoms.

These included five reported deaths with jaundice in Northern Ireland.

You probably realised she's a severe case of portal cirrhosis, with ascites and jaundice .

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